Various Illustrations

Newton’s Nonet!

Newton's Nonet is an interactive multi media performance in which drummer Tim Zhou performs a series of percussive improvisations alongside the Gravity Synth. A machine created by artists Miller Klitser and Dylan Karlsson, the Gravity Synth is a large ambient synthesizer that uses the inertia of a series of a giant Newton's cradles to build its harmonies. Audience members are encouraged to swing and stop the objects hanging from each cradle and experiment with the different sounds during the performance.

Photos of performance at Royce Terrace in Royce Hall, November 3, 2022

Roy History
GIEST Investigation Center

You are Roy History, a G.I.E.S.T. (General Investigator of Extranormal Solids and Truths), inhabiting a muted, ghostlike world at the end of history.  You are sent to investigate various  buildings that hold S.P.I.R.I.T.s (Solid Past Imprints Retained In Time). The main mechanic of the game is played after you discover a polaroid camera SPIRIT that you can use to briefly walk in the solid world where the SPIRITs originate from, one in which solid artifacts and beings from that past continue to live on. It also allows you to solve puzzles that unlock secrets about the lost world as you venture from each investigation site.

go see it on

Bravo Drive
2016, 2019

Built out of several junkyard parts, Bravo Drive is a car-like interface that turns driving into a musical, visual performance. The driver is able to use the radio, the gas pedals, and the steering wheel to score and direct a short opera

Read more about it on the UCLA Game Lab Blog

See it featured in AUTOBODIES, 2019

a page from the original ‘Instruction Manual’ from Machinic Unconcious at the New Wight Gallery, 2016



A short puzzle game 

(currently just a physics tech demo)